How To Sleep Well

People need to sleep in order to have the energy to handle every tasks. Our body recharges as we sleep thus improving us emotionally, physically, mentally, and not to mention our health. Of course there are instances where our sleep will get thrown off such as an event or jet lag, but we should get back to the sleeping well. What does it mean to “sleep well?”

  1. Quality of Sleep – How well you sleep matters more than you think and can be affected by various things such as outside noise, outside light, neighbors, spouse, pillows, beds, sheets, blankets, and many more.
  2. The right amount of sleep – In my opinion, not everyone needs the same amount of sleep to have energy. But it is highly recommended because sleeping is also associated to your health. The body needs to go through deep and rem sleep in order for the mind and body to repair itself.

How Do We Get To Sleep Well?

  1. Consistency – Try to keep yourself to a sleeping schedule. Our body works in a rhythm, and if you are able to keep that rhythm, then our body can better relax itself.
  2. Avoid technology before sleeping – along with the sleeping schedule, try to set an hour of no technology use. Technology with screens contain blue light which affects our body’s biological clock from feeling tired which will cause us to sleep later.
  3. Do something relaxing – These should be non-technology related such as yoga, stretching, meditating, deep breathing, writing, or reading. But everyone has different ideas of “relaxing” so pick what is best for you.
  4. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine – Alcohol and caffeine affects the circadian rhythm in your body.
  5. Invest in Your Bed and Pillow – I used to suffer from neck and shoulder pains, which was due to multiple problems, but I invested in a better pillow which fixed part of the original discomfort. People use phrases such as “I love my bed” and “I want to lay in my bed.” People love or want sleep, so we should make sleep as comfortable and appealing as possible.
    • This does not apply to everyone. I would not invest in expensive beds and pillows if you do not feel like you need it. It is easy for people to get used to the better things in life but is hard to go back to the lower quality in the future.
  6. Fix Your Sleeping Environment
    • Your bedroom should be technology free. It is difficult for city dwellers like me (NYC) where space may be a problem and will require us to cram things. There are a lot of reflective surfaces on technology which may bother you as you sleep or keep you up.
    • Rearrange your living environment – Sometimes, the bedroom is not the best place to sleep. It may have a lot of lights from cars shining into your room, bugs from gardens making noises, or people talking outside. You may end up thinking that the living room may be a better spot to sleep in.
    • Change the Air – people with breathing or snoring problems might know that the air might be too dry which affects your sleep. Try using machines like humidifiers or air purifiers which also creates “white noise” that can help you sleep.