Tips on Reducing Stress


Learning new and useful things is hard. It is hard to find the time and energy to go about it. This section is meant to help promote knowledge and how to go about getting it.


Financial stress is probably the center of all stress. Having too little will make you feel struggle but having too much increases your responsibility. With the rising cost of living and products, it is getting harder to have enough money for everything...


Health is probably one of the hardest category to improve. The goal is to find something you are willing to commit to.


This was meant to be a catch all of things that causes stress. There is too much going on with the world and it is hard to keep up.


Relationships takes many shapes and forms. You can have relationships with everyone and everything. Building the right relationship is hard and it is the self reflection of what you want to be or could be.

Self & Lifestyle

The saying "you are your own worst enemy is a true statement. A lot of stressful situation can be resolved just by changing ourselves or our lifestyle. Find and understand yourself in order to identify yourself.


Technology is big and it has caused a lot of good and bad. Learning how and which technology to use can help you gain better control of things around you.


The average person spends between 35-45 hours per week just at their job, which is around 21%-27% of the week. This percentage may sound low to some people but comparing it to an average 7 hours per day sleeping, that is almost 70% of your week gone....