What is Stress: The Causes and Effects of Stress

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What is stress?

Stress is the body responding to all of life demands. When your body is stressed, it releases chemicals into our blood to prepare us for these situations physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Fight, flight, or freeze response is the name psychologists gave for our reaction to these reactions. There are different type of stress and the situations that causes stress are known as stressors.

Causes of Stress

Cause of stress varies for everyone. Typically cause of stress is associated with negative situations but can come from both negative and positive situations and can be cause by external factors as well as internally by yourself. Example of self-generated stress can be someone who worry excessively over something whereas external stress  could be caused by politics, finances, school, work, health, pre-marriage jitters, public speaking just to name a few. Stress is different for everyone depending on the type of stressors, individual/group causing it, and even timing. Ultimately how prepared you are mentally, emotionally, and other preparation can indicate how stress you could be.

Based on 2017 surveys conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA):

  • 63% of Americans are stressed about the future of the nation
  • 62% of Americans are stressed about money
  • 61% of Americans are stressed from work
  • And in other surveys by APA, stress caused by technology and social media are a rising

Effects of Stress

When your body is stressed, it releases a hormone throughout your body in preparation for the situation. The three major stress hormones that are released are adrenaline, cortisol, and nor-epinephrine. The three hormones provide our body with increased energy, help our body regulate, and increase our awareness. Stress in minor doses is fine for your body, but too much stress can negatively affect your body.

These are the most common symptoms of stress:

  • Cognitive Symptoms
    • Slight loss of memory
    • Inability to concentrate
    • Poor judgement
    • Seeing only the negatives
    • Anxious thoughts
    • Constant worrying
  • Emotional Symptoms
    • Depression / Unhappiness
    • Anxiety and agitation
    • Moodiness, irritability, or anger
    • Feeling overwhelmed
    • Loneliness
  • Physical Symptoms
    • Aches and pains: usually around the the back of the head, neck, and back
    • Weight Loss or weight gain
    • Clenched jaw
    • Grinding Teeth
    • Diarrhea or constipation
    • Nausea
    • Dizziness
    • Chest pains
    • Rapid heart rate
    • Loss of or low sex drive
    • Lower Immune system
  • Behavioral Symptoms
    • Eating more or less
    • Sleeping too much or too little
    • Withdrawing from others
    • Procrastination / neglecting responsibilities
    • Use and/or dependency of influences such as alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs
    • Nervous habits (nail biting, hair twirling, pacing)