Information on Stress

Fight, Flight, Or Freeze Response: How It Works?

Fight, Flight, Or Freeze Response: How It Works?

What is Fight, Flight, Or Freeze Response Fight, flight, or freeze, also known as acute stress response, is a biological survival instinct for difficult situations and plays a critical role on how we deal with stress. Adrenaline and nor-adrenaline hormones...
Stressors: Negative & Positive Stress (Distress & Eustress)

Stressors: Negative & Positive Stress (Distress & Eustress)

What is negative and positive stress? Stress can come to a person from negative and positive situations. Negative stress, or distress, is the effect of negative situations in your life that causes concerns such as losing a job or getting into a fight....
What is Stress: The Causes and Effects of Stress

What is Stress: The Causes and Effects of Stress

What is stress? Stress is the body responding to all of life demands. When your body is stressed, it releases chemicals into our blood to prepare us for these situations physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Fight, flight, or freeze response is ...